16.11 Picnic Day 2

After an hour, we finally reached Tai Mei Tuk.  Behind us was the largest mountain range in Hong Kong.  Are you able to identify the eight different peaks along the mountain range? 

Our destination was the dam of Plover Cove Reservoir.  We had to take a 10-minute walk there.

¡@Not only 5Aces, but also other classes like 5C, 5D, 6A, 6B and 7B would like to settle down near the dam.  We quickly occupied the heliport at the end of the dam.  We gathered around the big letter "H".  Our Class Club Chairlady had brought the CD-player and played the music immediately.  Our Para Para Dance started.

Download the following movie clips to see how we danced.

Para Para Dance 1

Para Para Dance 2

Para Para Dance 3

Vincent's Solo 1

Vincent's Solo 2

The dance was attracted by Miss W. Wong too.  See how this dancing queen stole the show!

Download the following movies to see how the teachers danced with us.  (Thanks Simon Tang of 6B for helping us recording the video)

Dancing Queen

5Aces Form-teacher

All of us enjoyed dancing!

H G 1 2 3 4 5 6